San Joaquin County Probation Department Logo

Adult Probation

24 S. Hunter Street
Stockton, CA 95202
(209) 468-4100

Juvenile Probation

575 W. Mathews Road
French Camp, CA 95231
(209) 468-4000

San Joaquin County Probation Department Logo

Juvenile Probation

575 W. Mathews Road
French Camp, CA 95231
(209) 468-4000

Adult Probation

24 S. Hunter Street
Stockton, CA 95202
(209) 468-4100

Juvenile Detention

The Probation Department operates Peterson Juvenile Hall (PJH), a temporary detention facility for youth that provides a humane, safe and secure facility to care for youth from the time of their booking through their Court proceedings.

Juvenile Detention funds the operations of Peterson Juvenile Hall, Camp Peterson (for Court-committed youth and utilized as a “step-down” program for youth committed to a Secure Track Commitment pursuant to SB 823), Youth Advocacy and Programming, Compliance and Training, Intake and Transportation, Auxiliary Services (Booking, Control, Court Services and Visiting) and the Work Project Program.

Upon entering the facility, youth receive screening/assessments at intake to identify potential trauma, or other stressors that may require immediate intervention.  Youthful offenders also have access to immediate behavioral health services. Youth receive meals prepared on site based on specific nutritional requirements as set by the State of California.

San Joaquin Recreation Yard

Daily Programs and Activities include:


    • Ongoing case management by a multi-agency treatment team
    • Case planning to address each youth’s specific needs.
    • Education (eligible youth can graduate with a diploma)
    • College and vocational education for high school graduates
    • Recreational and exercise programs
    • Faith-based services and counseling
    • Medical evaluations and treatment
    • Individual and group behavioral health counseling
    • Programs with a specific focus (trauma-informed care, substance abuse, anger management, sex offender treatment, family engagement, gang awareness, vocational training, parenting, independent living skills, conflict resolution, health, etc.)

In 2021-2022, the Department redeveloped the PJH Camp recreation yard, so that youth committed to the facility would have viable exercise options. Youth assigned to the Greater Valley Conservation Corps have also been able to participate in a portion of the landscape work.

In response to Senate Bill 823 (SB 823), signed into law in 2020, Camp Peterson and another unit in PJH became the home of the Secure Youth Treatment Program (SYTP).  The closure of the Division of Juvenile Justice led to the return of youth to local detention centers. The Program is housed in a two-dormitory, minimum-security facility adjacent to juvenile Hall with a rated capacity of 45 beds. The program structure is designed to support the principles of trauma-informed, culturally responsive care and a developmental approach to youth rehabilitation.

Goals among the PJH Secure Youth Treatment Program include:

    • Provide a secure, intensive, evidence-based treatment program for youth.
    • Reduce recidivism.
    • Provide high-quality, intensive aftercare services that support community and family reunification/stability.

San Joaquin County Juvenile Division is located at:

575 W. Mathews Road
French Camp, CA 95231

Youth Visiting Hours

2:15 pm – 7:45 pm
10:00 am – 7:45 pm
Sundays (Camp):
10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Business Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Business Line

(209) 468-4000
* In case of an emergency, dial 911

If you would like to schedule visitation with a youth in Juvenile Hall, you may make a request by completing the form below and clicking submit. Visits may be requested during the times posted under Youth Visiting Hours in this section.

Detention Visitation Request
Visit Requested Time
San Joaquin Probation Juvenile Courtroom

Juvenile Probation Units

The Juvenile Services Division serves the Court and is dedicated to assisting youth; and their families and supporting victims to promote a safer and stronger community. We strive to reduce recidivism by providing Evidence Based Practices to our youth and collaborating with different Community Based Organizations to provide support, mentoring and services to the youth and their families. We also assist in preventing youth from entering the Juvenile Justice System by offering diversion services to youth who may be at risk of entering the system.

The Juvenile Units consist of:

    • Juvenile Investigations
    • Reconnect
    • Placement
    • Project 654
    • Community Accountability and Prevention Services (CAPS)
    • Transitional Age Youth


San Joaquin Probation Juvenile Courtroom

Juvenile Prevention Services

The department’s Community Accountability and Prevention Services Unit (CAPS) offers juvenile programs that target at-risk youth throughout San Joaquin County, both in the community and on school campuses. The program is designed to prevent at-risk youth from entering the Juvenile Justice system for delinquent criminal activity.

CAPS encompasses two preventative youth programs: Crossroads and Discovery ChalleNGe Academy (DCA). Crossroads is a free short-term intervention and prevention counseling program for youth, ages 10 to 18 years old. DCA is a free 22-week residential program in which youth, ages 16 to 18 years old, can earn high school credits to complete their diploma while developing valuable life skills.

Discovery Challenge Academy Logo

Crossroads Flyer and Referral Form

Discovery Challenge Academy Logo